मंगलवार, 24 फ़रवरी 2015

'NO to development; YES to justice'

NO to the ‘Development’ that enriches a few and impoverishes most. . . YES to ‘Justice’ that preserves natural resources and                            shares them equitably
Stan Swamy
When all the trees have been cut down,
                                when all the animals have been hunted,                                
when all the waters are polluted,
when all the air is unsafe to breathe,
only then will you discover you cannot eat money.
(~ Indigenous People’s  Prophecy ~)

Every body is speaking of growth and development these days. The Lok Sabha election was won by the ruling party on ‘sab ka vikas’ slogan. The  more recent State election in Jharkhand was again fought on ‘development of Adivasis’ preaching. The electronic and print media have become the messengers of this ‘development’ magic. The proof of this is the rising Sensex & Nifty, several MoUs being signed by the Indian govt and national & international corporate houses, the promise of unbelievable amount of investments that are going to pour into the country. That the growth rate will be up to 6-7% shortly etc.                                                                     
But the contrary is the reality of the poorest of the poor. As the country is supposedly developing by leaps & bounds, poverty of the Adivasi, Dalit people is deepening by the day. Their land which is the only source of their sustenance is being forcibly snatched from them for a pittance. The rich minerals in their land is very much wanted but the Adivasi people are not wanted any more. In fact one can say that all the show-pieces of development such as mines, factories, dams, highways are built with the blood of the Adivasi people.
A  study done by the Centre for Environment and Food Security (CEFS) on "Hunger in Adivasi Areas of Rajasthan and Jharkhand" in 2005 [http://www.cefs-india.org/pressrelease.html]. Following disturbing facts come to light in Jharkhand State:
-          Adivasi population has dropped from around 60% in 1911 to 27.67% in 1991
-          Mostly dependent on agriculture: 76.8 per cent are agriculturists, 17.6 per cent daily wagers, 1.8 per cent MFP gatherers, 0.4 per cent handicapped & aged and 3.4 per cent belonged to other occupations.                                                               Housing: Only 0.4 per cent had pucca house, 3.2 per cent semipucca,89.8 per cent had mud-houses and 6.6 per cent were living under thatched roofs
-           Literacy: 61.2 per cent were illiterate, 3.8 per cent barely-literate, 8.6 per cent had received primary schooling, 13.2 per cent had middle schooling, 10.2 per cent had received education up to high school and 3 per cent of Jharkhand respondents had received college education.
-          Migration: 26.2 per cent of surveyed households said that at least one member from each family had migrated to some town or city in search of livelihood.
-          Chronic hunger: A staggering and shocking over 99 per cent were facing chronic hunger .Out of the total 1000 households asked as to whether they had eaten two square meals  on the previous day of the survey, only four respondents (0.4 per cent)  said that they had eaten two square meals on the previous day.
-          Displacement: After Independence, over 10 million Adivasis have been displaced in the country to make way for development projects such as dams, mining, industries, roads, protected areas etc. Though most of the dams  are located in Adivasi areas, only 19.9 per cent (1980-81) of Adivasi land holdings are irrigated as compared to 45.9 per cent of all holdings of the general population
-          Adivasis and Forests:
Adivasi people in India have been an integral part of the forests. But there is little being discussed at the international level about protecting the indigenous peoples of the forests. Coupled with this is the systematic approach of the state in India which presumes that control over forests and wildlife can be best attained by getting the adivasis out of the forests. The state supported vested interests feel that adivasis are an impediment to the free operations of the forest and mining mafia…
-          Loss of traditional livelihood systems: The core of this problem lies in the structural changes in Adivasi economy in the last five decades that have depleted and destroyed the traditional livelihoods and food system of these communities.
-          Disastrous impact of industrialization: Immediately after independence the Nehruvian development paradigm embarked on   building “temples of modern India”. The social and ecological costs of this development were largely borne by country’s Adivasi communities in terms of  physical displacement, destruction of sustenance base and gradual alienation from natural resources. It is these starving, hungry and poor Adivasis who were made to pay the “price of progress”.
-          Poverty and Unemployment
According to government estimates, around 23.22 lakh families in the rural areas of Jharkhand live below the poverty line, out of which 3.91 lakhs belong to SCs and 8.79 lakhs to STs. It is estimated that almost 61.57per cent of the families living in the rural areas are  below poverty line.
-          Poor Status of Health and Nutrition
The nutritional status of people in general and women and children in particular is very low in Jharkhand. According to National Family Health Survey (NFHS-II), during 1998-99, amongst the under-3 age group children, 54.3per cent were under-weight, 49 per cent were stunted and 25per cent were wasted.

-          Infant & Child Mortality
The incidence of anemia in adolescent girls was 72.5per cent, amongst pregnant women was 63.9per cent and among the lactating women it was almost 76 per cent.
-          Alienation of Adivasi land
Jharkhand’s agriculture is almost completely dependent on the monsoon; only 8 per cent of cultivable land is irrigated. Agricultural and forest lands are the sole sources of sustenance for the Adivasis.
-           Forced to migrate: Apart from the forced involuntary displacements caused by large projects, several lakhs of Jharkhandis have migrated to the tea plantations in Darjeeling and Assam. Several thousands, especially young women, are migrating to large cities and towns. A recent report says that about two lakh Adivasi young women from Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal are presently working as house-maids in middle-class homes. Employment opportunities in Jharkhand are nil. During the last five decades, it is estimated that as many as 40 to 45 lakh non-Tribals from neighbouring states have in-migrated into Jharkhand and have taken over the whole economy and greater part of job opportunities.
Undo the injustice done to indigenous people: acknowledge and implement their constitutional, legal and judicial rights and safeguards. Foremost among them are (1) the Vth Schedule of the Constitution, (2) the CNT/SPT Acts, (3) SC and the ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, (4) PESA Act 1996, (5) Forests Rights Act 2006, (6) Samata judgment 1997 of the Supreme Court, (7) ‘Owner of the land is also the owner of the sub-soil minerals 2013’ judgment of SC.
Our ultimate aim has to be to work towards a cosmic harmony to which justice and peace are closely interrelated. If you want to cultivate peace, protect cosmos.

February 2015

मंगलवार, 17 फ़रवरी 2015

नोम चोम्स्की का लेख "आओ सुलगाओ कोई जोशे-गजब का अंगार"

देश-विदेश के दिसंबर २०१४ बुलेटिन से साभार नोम चोम्स्की का लेख "आओ सुलगाओ कोई जोशे-गजब का अंगार" हाइलाइट्स मेरे द्वारा 

मंगलवार, 10 फ़रवरी 2015

दिल्ली के चुनावी नतीजे और नरेंद्र मोदी

मोदी जी को ब्रेक तो महाराष्ट्र में ही लगा, झारखंड में भी पूर्ण बहुमत नहीं मिला, दिल्ली ने तो भट्ठा ही बैठा दिया, उनका पूरा तिलिश्म और करिश्मा जो उनके पास नहीं था घास चरने गया, दिल्लीवाले औरों से ज्यादा नजदीक से मोदी जी को देख, समझ और तौल रहे थे. अब झारखण्ड की खरीद फरोश और बिहार में तिकड़म उन्हें ले ही डूबेगा। अब उनके लोगो को यह ज्ञान हो जाना चाहिए कि गतिमात्रा (momentum) कोई चीज़ होती है जो कुछ दूर तक गतिशील रखती है पर सदा के लिए नहीं उसके लिए कुछ जोर लगाना पड़ता है    उनके लोगों को यह समझ तो होनी चाहिए की उनकी हालिया सफलता की नीव कॉंग्रेसिओं की बेवकूफी और भ्रष्टाचार के कारण हुई थी उनमे  करिश्मा था ही नहीं। 8 दिसंबर 2014 के Indian Express http://goo.gl/MZ4rnZ में छपे अरुण शौरी के इस बयान के बाद Modi certainly thinks on a different scale, and laterally. I remember his phrase: ‘Arrey, yeh theek nahi hai, kuch dhamakedaar idea do (This is not okay, give a bombastic idea).’ और गिरती ढलान पर गतिमान हुए मोदी जी की  तरफदारी करनेवाले यह तो  बताएं की पिछले 8 महीनो में दादागिरी दिखाने के अलावा मोदी-अमित शाह जोड़ी ने किया क्या। प्रमाण के तौर पर नक़ली शेर की हवा भी निकल ही गयी है और हिंदुत्व ब्रिगेड अब नीचे जानेवाली ढलान की यात्रा शुरू रहा है.     

गुरुवार, 5 फ़रवरी 2015


Dear Sir,

A.  I went through your narration of the Mess Workers agitational approach and your Appeal which is in a standard language and format coming from any Establishment any time anywhere. It raises several questions to which the great intellectuals present in IITK for all the 55 years with ever changing generations could not find a solution. It must be a shame on the competence of the Managers of IITK which includes Academics too.  
The country believes and expects IITs and other Institutes of Higher learning to solve all the problems of all varieties of the present and future. IITK fails to solve a perennial problem of Mess Workers who will continue to be part and parcel of the IITK establishment ever. 
  • How can IITK claim to provide consultancy and solution to issues outside world? 
  • Where are all the theories of HSS and all the models and curves of Management and Engg. theories gone on this issue? 
  • Does it mean that the Learned men of IITK have proved to be incompetent? 
  • If the standard techniques used by IITK faculty to evaluate students are used the whole set of Administration of which Faculty forms a part seem to have crumbled. 
  • Naturally you cannot do better than threatening the striking Mess Workers with dire consequences and .......in your last para. 
It is clear that no serious attempt has been made to reduce the conflict interface as there are variety of Mess Workers in different Halls with variety of service conditions. Something funny? It is also clear that IITK believes in giving surface touch to the issue and greater publicity to hide their incompetence.

 B. Quality of Food served to students in Hall Mess has a number of variants, some of them are as follows: 
  1. Quality of purchased Raw Food material
  2. Level of Facilities for storing and processing the Food items in Cooking area
  3. Process of recruitment of the Mess Workers incl their past experience, specialisation in Food preparation, serving etc.
  4. Training and counselling of the hired workers
  5. Level of corruption between the Contractors and people responsible for Hall mgt.
It is clear that with respect to the bad quality food served to students in the Mess the contribution of Workers responsibility is not much.  

C.    All the story of Permanent Mess Workers not working/ serving is a hoax created by the incompetent people. If the permanency is questionable the same should apply to Faculty and Administrators 

A long term stable answers to this issue hanging for lifetime since the beginning of the IITK could be found only if the vested and corrupt interests inside the IITK allow searching for it by looking / trying for Out of the Box solution.
  1. by recognising the Workers as Human Beings as much as any of the Faculty or Administrators
  2. by democratising the system and involving the Workers in running the affairs of the Mess
  3. by incorporating same and similar service conditions in terms of pay, safety, job security, allowances, medical facilities, residences, schooling for their children for all the Workers as their whose job is of perennial nature
  4. by making all attempts to reduce conflict interface.
All the Best, 

Note: I am copying this to IITK faculty and e-groups and FB

डा वी एन शर्मा / Dr.V.N.Sharma
M: 9431102680, Ph 06512441524

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:[All] Communique on the Ongoing Agitation of the Daily Wage Mess Workers
Date:Wed, 4 Feb 2015 22:18:50 +0530
From:Prof. N.N. Kishore 




As the campus community may be aware, the Daily Wage Mess Workers (DWWs), numbering 60 are agitating demanding regularization of their services in the Institute and in pursuance there of they have staged a hunger strike at the main gate of the Institute.It may be recalled that earlier inSeptember 2010 also they had carried out an agitation demanding regularization of their services in the Institute. Finally, on 04.09.2010 a compromise was reached between the group of wardens and the representatives of DWWs, according to which they were accorded certain facilities and concessions, such as, medical facilities, provident fund facilities, festival advance, admission of their wards in the campus
school, review of their skill levels and food in halls. It was also a condition of the said compromise that this arrangement will continue
till the DWWs in messes attain the age of 60 years or otherwise withdraws from this arrangement provided DWWs shall be expected to be
medically fit, obedient, punctual and devoted to the task that may be assigned to them. However, in the event any conduct of a DWW is found to
be wanting, appropriate disciplinary action shall be taken by the HECs. This compromise was reached as the final redressal of all outstanding grievances of DWWs in messes. However, they have reneged on their part of the obligation and again went on an agitation.

The Institute in this regard had constituted a high level committee comprising two Deans and a Head of Department.This high level committee has made sincere and bonafide attempts to bring about an amicable settlement in the matter. Even the Director and the Dy Director along with some of the Deans of the Institute have held lengthy discussions with them advising them to desist from carrying out this agitation, but so far the representatives of DWWs have been frustrating all such attempts.

Needless to mention, the Institute is still trying to dissuade them from continuing with their agitation and requests all stake holders to
cooperate with the Institute in maintaining peace and tranquility on the campus. If all attempts to maintain discipline and peace through negotiations fail, the Institute would apply the available instruments to prevent disruption to normal functioning within the Institute premises, as per rules.

N.N. Kishore
Professor-In-Charge (Administration)

Prof. N.N. Kishore
Professor-in-Charge (Admin)
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kanpur - 208016
(Off.)0512-259 7808, 6434 (Fax)2590465 (R)8793

Pl. see the Video in the link

and read the FB comment by Samarth Bansal and my comments
Facebook story by 
 Our comment:

यह तो स्पष्ट है कि IITK प्रशासन की योजना के अनुसार हर कार्य स्थल पर स्थिति को ऐसा गड़बड़झाला बना दिया जाता है कि समाधान असंभव  दिखने लगे. IITK के मेस वर्कर्स की कहानी का घालमेल इसी तरह की सोची समझी साजिश के तहत ही किया गया है. इतने तरह के वर्कर, लेबर, कर्मचारी पैदा कर दो कि श्रमिक एकता बन ही न पाये, न ये आंदोलन करके व्यवस्था को ठप कर सकें। इनके विरूद्ध विद्यार्थियों को खड़ा कर देना!! फिर तो प्रबंधन को सिर्फ बैठे बैठे तालियां बजाने का काम रह जाता है.

लेकिन मेस में भ्रष्टाचार और कुव्यवस्था से सबसे अधिक प्रभावित छात्र ही हैं  जो भ्रष्ट पैसे के लेन देन के भुक्तभोगी होने के साथ साथ अछ्छा भोजन पाने से भी मरहूम रहते हैं फिर भी उनका गुस्सा कमजोर वर्करों पर है. इसमें छात्रों की चुप्पी या शासकों के पक्ष में खड़ा होना स्पष्ट रूप से मेस वर्करों के खिलाफ होती है. 

एक बात जो मेरी समझ के बाहर है वह यह कि  इतना बड़ा संस्थान इतने पढ़े लिखे लोग जिनके शिष्यों के हाथों देश की बागडोर सौंपी  जाती है इसका हम दावा भी करते हैं वे बर्षों बर्षों में एक छोटी सी समस्या का समाधान नहीं कर पाते यह क्या उनपर लानत नहीं है उनकी शिक्षा, संस्कार, समझ और समाज के प्रति उनका दायित्व सबकुछ एक बड़ा प्रश्नचिन्ह खड़ा करता है. ये शिक्षक अपने अंदर भी झांककर देखें।     

( Google Translation of above: It is clear that the rulers / owners, according to their plan create such work site conditions that it looks as impossible to solve. The IITK story of the Mess Workers is similarly plotted under a well thought out plan, so that variety of workers are created who do not wish to join workers solidarity and can not adopt agitational approach against the system. Inciting students against the workers eases the task of management.

But the mess of corruption and maladministration affect students most as they are direct victims of corrupt practices. It is their money used for paying the underhand transactions and causing bad quality of food availabilty for which their anger is against the Mess workers. Students stand in silence or in favor of the COW and Faculty Members and against the poor Mess workers-misdirected towards a wrong villain.

One thing is beyond our understanding which is that such a large institution, such educated people whose students rule over the country are not in a position to solve the Mess Workers problem. If that be so, damn their education, values, understanding and their responsibility to society. Everything about such teachers and such education stand as a big question mark.)
शिक्षा अधिकार संघर्ष मंच 

मेरे बारे में

मेरी फ़ोटो
मैं परिवर्त्तन हूँ। जीवन के हर पहलु चाहे वह समाज व्यवस्था हो, अर्थ व्यवस्था हो, शिक्षण हो या ज्ञान विज्ञानं, राजनीति हो, खाद्य सुरक्षा हो या फिर आजीविका सम्बन्धित प्रश्न हो या पर्यावरण या जल प्रबंधन मैं गतिशील रहना चाहता हूँ. लेकिन मुझे परिवर्त्तन वही पसंद है जो क्रांतिकारी और प्रगतिशील हो, आम आदमी के भले के लिए हो और उसके पक्ष में हो, जो कमजोर वर्ग की भलाई के लिए हो जैसे बच्चे, महिलाएं, किसान, मजदूर, आदिवासी इत्यादि। मैं उनलोगों का साथ देता हूँ जो आगे देखू है। पीछे देखू और बगल देखुओं से सख्त नफरत है मुझे। क्या अब आप मेरे साथ चलना चाहेंगे? तो आइये हम आप मिलकर एक तूफ़ान की शक्ल में आगे बढ़ें और गरीबी, अज्ञान के अंधकार और हर प्रकार के अन्याय एवं भ्रष्टाचार जैसे कोढ़ पर पुरजोर हमला करते हुए उसे जड़ से उखाड़ फेंके।