22:10 20 October 2008
NewScientist.com news service
Jeff Hecht
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The clock is ticking inexorably toward doomsday even if we don't kill ourselves by poisoning the environment oroverheating the planet. You see, there's a little problem with the Sun.
The Sun is slowly getting warmer as it burns the hydrogen in its core. In about 5 billion years, the Sun will begin evolving into a bloated red giant. Its outer gas shell will swell up,engulfing the Earth by the time it reaches its peak size and brightness 7 billion years from now.
But long before that, in 1.1 billion years, the Sun will grow 11% brighter, raising average terrestrial temperatures to around 50 °C (120 °F). That will warm the oceans so much that they evaporate without boiling, like a pan of water left on a sunny kitchen counter.
Plants and animals will have a very tough time adapting to that hothouse, although some single-celled organisms called Archaea might survive. But only for a while. Once the water vapour is in the atmosphere, ultraviolet light from the Sun will split the water molecules, and the hydrogen needed to build living cells will slowly leak into space. If our descendants – or other intelligent life-forms that follow us – want to survive, they'll have to migrate elsewhere. But where and how?
One approach would be to fire up rockets and move to another planet. Back in 1930, British science-fiction author Olaf Stapledon wrote about a future where our descendants fled toVenus, and later Neptune, when the Earth became uninhabitable. Eminent scientists such as Stephen Hawking have endorsed the idea of establishing colonies on the Moon or other planets so humanity would survive any disaster that wiped out life on Earth.
Yet evacuating all 6.7 billion Earthlings would take the equivalent of a billion space shuttle launches. Even if we could launch 1000 shuttles a day, it would still take 2700 years to move the whole planet's population.
Then there's the matter of taking care of people once they reached their new home. Moving to any other planet would require "terraforming" it to provide food, water and oxygen to support colonists. Why not bring our own planet along with the resources we would need?
Tiny change
Elementary physics tells us that we actually can move the planets. Launching a rocket into space pushes the Earth a bit in the opposite direction, like the recoil from a gun.
Science-fiction author and trained physicist Stanley Schmidtexploited this fact in his novel The Sins of the Fathers, in which aliens built giant rocket engines at the South Pole to move the Earth. (Read about other sci-fi novels and films that have tackled the problem of moving worlds.)
In real life, however, the Earth is so massive that a rocket would have little effect on its motion. Launching a billion 10-tonne rockets in exactly the same direction would change the Earth's velocity by just 20 nanometres per second – peanuts compared to the planet's current speed of 30 kilometres per second.
A few astronomers have tackled the problem of moving planets, but not for dealing with emergencies on human time scales. They're actually devising thought experiments to understand the dynamics of planetary systems, says Greg Laughlin of the University of California, Santa Cruz. So processes that occur on geologic time scales work perfectly well.
Moving out
Planetary dynamics seemed simple and orderly when we knew only our own solar system, but that changed with thediscovery of "hot Jupiters" on tight orbits around other stars. The planets couldn't have formed in the scorching regions where they orbit – there was not enough gas and dust there to amass such giant worlds. Instead, they must have migrated there from more distant birthplaces.
To understand how planetary systems might rearrange themselves, Laughlin, his Santa Cruz colleague Don Korycansky, and University of Michigan astronomer Fred Adams posed themselves the problem of how to move the Earth so the warming Sun didn't cook the planet.
For the purposes of their calculation, the three chose the Earth's final destination as an orbit 1.5 times its present distance from the Sun, at what is now the orbit of Mars. In 6.3 billion years, when the Sun is in its red-giant stage and is 2.2 times brighter than today, a planet at that distance will receive about as much sunlight as the Earth receives today.
Moving the Earth to a circular orbit at that distance requires increasing its orbital energy by about 30%. That would be possible, they say, by changing the orbits of icy bodies in the distant solar system so they would pass close to the Earth, transferring some of their orbital energy to the planet.
Once an object was nudged out of the Kuiper belt, its orbit could be fine-tuned in the inner solar system using jets of ice vaporised from its surface (Illustration: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
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The impact of a space rock more than 100 km across would kill most – if not all – life on Earth (Illustration: Don Davis/NASA)
A solar sail about 19 times as wide as the Earth would be needed to move the planet out of harm's way when the Sun becomes a red giant (Illustration: NASA/MSFC)
A 20-metre solar sail system is fully deployed during testing at a NASA centre (Image: NASA)
The objects lie in a ring of icy bodies beyond Neptune called the Kuiper belt and in an even more distant shell of comets called the Oort cloud. Because they are far from the Sun, the objects have relatively low orbital energy, so they could be nudged using methods being developed to deflect asteroids away from the Earth.
These range from the gentle pull of gravity tugs – spacecraft that fly near the object and gravitationally pull them off course – to the stronger push of mass drivers, which dig into and spew out pieces of the icy body, pushing it in the opposite direction.
Their orbits could then be fine-tuned in the inner solar system using jets of ices vaporised from their surfaces by equipment sent there. Nobody's thinking about deploying a future Bruce Willis with a rocket-load of nukes to do the job. "You need very fine-grained control, which a nuclear weapon certainly would not produce!" says Laughlin.
Sterilised biosphere
About a million such close passes would do the trick. If we spaced them evenly, that would mean about one close pass every 1000 to 6000 years, depending on whether we wanted to reach the orbit of Mars by the time the Sun started to vaporise the ocean, or when it hit its red-giant phase. Luckily, the objects could be re-used if they looped around both Jupiter and the Earth, taking energy from the giant planet and transferring it to Earth.
It would be a big job, and would take plenty of patience to move the Earth consistently outwards as the Sun grew warmer. It also carries a significant risk because the objects would have to pass just 10,000 kilometres above the Earth's surface.
The objects would be much more massive than the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs, so one little "oops" could be devastating. Laughlin and colleagues take that very seriously, concluding their paper with the warning: "The collision of a 100-km diameter object with the Earth at cosmic velocity would sterilise the biosphere most effectively, at least to the level of bacteria. This danger cannot be overemphasised."
Push from the Sun
That danger could be avoided by using a giant solar sail, says Colin McInnes, a mechanical engineer at the University of Strathclyde.
Solar sails are thin, mirror-like films that are propelled by the weak pressure of the sunlight that falls on them. McInnes's idea is to put a free-floating solar sail at a point near the Earth where the pressure of solar radiation essentially balances the Earth's gravitational pull.
His analysis shows that the reflection of sunlight from the sail will pull the Earth outwards along with the sail – in physical terms, increasing the Earth's orbital energy and accelerating the centre of mass of the system outwards, away from the Sun.
McInnes calculates that moving the Earth outwards to keep pace with the Sun's warming would require a disc-shaped sail 19.2 times the Earth's diameter. It would have to be tilted at an angle of 35° to the line towards the Sun, and stationed at about five times the Moon's distance from the Earth.
He envisions building it in space by refining the raw materials in a 9-km-wide metal-rich asteroid. Nickel and iron from the asteroid would be made into an 8-micron-thick film for the sail.
Thrown into chaos
The sail would be complex as well as large; it would need active control to maintain the sail's proper shape, particularly in the face of perturbations by the Moon's gravity. But McInnes says it would require moving 10,000 times less mass than slinging objects from the Kuiper belt past Earth.
Geoffrey Landis, a science fiction author and NASA scientist, says the concept is sound. "It looks like the physics is right, but of course there's no technology in existence or currently proposed to make a solar sail 20 times the diameter of the Earth ¡V at the moment, that's science fiction."
McInnes admits that even he doesn't take the idea too seriously: "It's a Friday afternoon problem."
But despite the practical difficulties of these scenarios, computer simulations by Laughlin also point out a real danger of playing with planetary orbits.
Planetary orbits are shaped by the gravitational pulls of their neighbours, so moving the Earth would change the orbits of the other inner planets in unpredictable and potentially dangerous ways.
If the move destabilised Mercury, the entire inner solar system might be thrown into a chaotic mode "that is vastly harder and possibly impossible to control", Laughlin says. That may be the best argument for leaving the planets alone unless we have no alternatives.
मंगलवार, 21 अक्टूबर 2008
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