मंगलवार, 21 अक्टूबर 2008

A financial tidal wave is underway in America today.

From NaturalNews

A financial tidal wave is underway in America today. As we've been warning
NaturalNews readers for nearly two years now, the total collapse of the U.S.
financial system is imminent. Just today, Lehman Brothers collapsed and is
now bankrupt. The AIG insurance company is collapsing as we speak. Merrill
Lynch just lost everything... it's history! WashingtonMutual bank is
plummeting rapidly and may crater before the end of the week.

Americans are practically in a financial panic, and they're watching their
life savings vanish from financial institutions they once thought were rock
solid stable. Wachovia is reportedly about to plummet as well... the bank
runs have begun, folks. The financial end game is upon us. America's
highly-leverage financial system is about to implode.

I got news for ya, friends: The FDIC is bankrupt, too. There's no possible
way it can cover the cascade of fancial failures rocketing through Wall
Street right now. You are right now witnessing an historical event: The
financial downfall of the American Empire. I'm not even sure America as we
know it will survive these unfolding events, because the federal government
is bankrupt, too.

So what can you do? First, get signed up for my 'Mindful Wealth' email
newsletter, which will start sending emails this week about how to protect
yourself from the financial fallout: http://www.naturalnews.com/024171.html

Secondly, there's a financial newsletter you need to subscribe to. I've set
up a special offer for NaturalNews readers that gets you hundreds of dollars
worth of bonus reports as you subscribe to *The Complete Investor* (my
"secret source" for cutting-edge financial news and investment
advice). Click here
to subscribe
This is the financial newsletter written by the guy who wrote *The
Coming Economic Collapse*. He's been warning about this financial storm for
years... This is what I read to get the scoop on what's headed our way. I
consider this to be *Must-Read Material* for being "in the know" on what's

I am working on a major, breaking story about the financial tidal wave* and
I plan to publish it tomorrow. Watch NaturalNews.com tomorrow (Tuesday), or
even late Monday night for that story. It's my #1 priority today to finish
that story and get it to you.

Finally, to calm your nerves and help lift your spirits during these
challenging economic times, do you know what you really need? CHOCOLATE! And
not just regular chocolate; you need some *Righteously Raw* chocolate.

That's the name of the company featured in today's Raw Food Product Review,
where I'm announcing the best new raw food products. Today's product is an
outrageously delicious, new line of chocolate bars that are USDA organic,
raw, vegan and simply amazing. Read my review here:

Besides, you might as well buy all the chocolate you want right now, because
U.S. dollars are about to become worthless. Today, you can trade them for
land, food or even gold. But if you don't take action now to protect
yourself, you'll soon find them to be worthless: Retirements, savings
accounts, investments and more. Click here to subscribe to The Complete
where you can learn how to protect yourself so you can be safe and even prosperous
in the Next Society...

And remember, folks: The world is not ending. Just the financial system
you've known in the past is ending. We'll still be here after the financial
fallout. Life will go on. The only question is: Do you choose to be
empowered, informed and protected? Or will you join the ignorant masses in
the coming global financial wipeout? The difference between those two groups
is KNOWLEDGE. I'll bring you as much knowledge as I can, but it's your job
to read, stay informed and take action.

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:

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मेरी फ़ोटो
मैं परिवर्त्तन हूँ। जीवन के हर पहलु चाहे वह समाज व्यवस्था हो, अर्थ व्यवस्था हो, शिक्षण हो या ज्ञान विज्ञानं, राजनीति हो, खाद्य सुरक्षा हो या फिर आजीविका सम्बन्धित प्रश्न हो या पर्यावरण या जल प्रबंधन मैं गतिशील रहना चाहता हूँ. लेकिन मुझे परिवर्त्तन वही पसंद है जो क्रांतिकारी और प्रगतिशील हो, आम आदमी के भले के लिए हो और उसके पक्ष में हो, जो कमजोर वर्ग की भलाई के लिए हो जैसे बच्चे, महिलाएं, किसान, मजदूर, आदिवासी इत्यादि। मैं उनलोगों का साथ देता हूँ जो आगे देखू है। पीछे देखू और बगल देखुओं से सख्त नफरत है मुझे। क्या अब आप मेरे साथ चलना चाहेंगे? तो आइये हम आप मिलकर एक तूफ़ान की शक्ल में आगे बढ़ें और गरीबी, अज्ञान के अंधकार और हर प्रकार के अन्याय एवं भ्रष्टाचार जैसे कोढ़ पर पुरजोर हमला करते हुए उसे जड़ से उखाड़ फेंके।